Monday, May 16, 2011

The Move

Well, I'm almost completely settled into my new home. My full size bed, my wooden stand and maybe my television and DVD player need to be brought down in a trailor, but everything else I have has been moved and settled in so far. Still organizing the moving things around, but so far so good. Tomorrow makes it a week. I will be traveling to Cambridge tomorrow to complete my last day of work at KFC, then starting at Taco Bell on Thursday most likely. I'm excited for another work opportunity.

Yesterday Jay and I traveled to pick up a few last things, and also what I was fearing the most: Bringing the cat. Murphy put up a massive fight to get into the cat carrier and I am very surprised he didn't scratch me in the process. He meowed a lot the first half hour but did settled down most of the rest of the drive. Other than a peeing insident he did better than I thought he would. Jay drove, and he kept me calm the whole time. I give him massive props. He's so patient even when I am freaking out.

Murphy surprised me a lot. Instead of staying in the carrier or in one room hiding the whole time he began exploring around the house almost instantly. Less than two hour later he was sitting at the end of the couch cleaning himself up while Jay and I watched television. He even curled up with us and purred.

Jay and I are sleep deprived today. The worst of everything has been keeping him from the bedroom. Murphy still thinks he is the king of the house. He cried and pawed at the door all evening long. At 4 this morning he managed to open the door on his own and make his move into the bedroom. I finally came out to the living room and slept on the couch in hopes of giving Jay at least 3 hours of sleep, but that didn't happen at all. He continued to cry until about 10 this morning when I finally got up.

Thankfully he has used the litter box and has ate food and drank water. My big concern has been the fear of him starting to pee around the house, even though he never did it at my parents' house what-so-ever I guess you never know at a newer home. While I did some laundry and made up the spare bed for him in hopes he'd see it as his room (which he has, only he likes to be under the bed instead).

Jay and I went to lunch and I have come back to find him snoozing under the twin bed and very quiet. I never thought I would love the quietness. I'll be spending today buying a few grocery items and doing more laundry. In a week we have accumulated more laundry than I ever thought we would that soon. I'll slow be cleaning here shortly and putting dishes away.

So far I am really liking Chillicothe. Hopefully I make some new friends soon and start enjoying it even more than I already do.

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Well, finals are done, school is done, and I am officially doing things for myself again! Tonight, after two days of talking about it, I finally broke out my knitting. I am working on a blanket that will be red, silver and black. I took a design from a book and tweeked the sizes of the panels a little to make something more along the lines of what I want. I cannot wait to post a picture of it when it is all completed. Hopefully after it is done I can either start knitting another blanket (For my friend Jodie, who is having a boy in August!) or start sewing again. I finally realized that I have a lot of started projects but not enough completed ones. Looks like I will be keeping myself busy when I make my big move.

Right now, it is nearly four and I have been running on 4 hours of sleep and up since before 8 this morning. Heading to bed, just wanted to giive a quick update!

Saturday, April 30, 2011


My life is going to change dramatically in the next month. 1) I will be moving over 2 hours away from home. 2) I will have a new job (another fast food place but it is a start away from home I suppose) and 3) Murphy is going to have a huge hissy fit, which will cause me massive anxiety. I left Tuesday night and surprised Jay at home and I came back this afternoon (Friday) to go to work. He has been a massive snuggle bug since I came home. The last time I left, just a week ago, and returned I woke up the following morning with him snuggled up against my back. Usually he is at my feet when I wake up, but here lately he has been missing me. I hate leaving him at home for a few days at a time. I feel sad when he isn't attached to my hip meowing demands at me.

I have a list of things I need to do after I am done with school. 1) Finish my knitting project. 2) Finish my quilt I started in February. 3) Finish the other quilts I started and never finished, haha. 4) Start my cookbook I want to make for myself. 5) Begin Jodie's baby blanket. 6) Read from my Kindle. 7) Start walking to lose weight. 8) Save some money. 9) Come up with newer recipes. 10) Get a tan.

First, I have to finish my seminar, write a 6-8 page paper over "Spirited Away", complete a take-home final for theatre and take a final for my other English class. I think I can do it! :)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter = Food = Cooking Ideas = Other Possibilities!

Today I spent my Easter Holiday working for nearly 6 hours right in the middle of all the family and food festivities everyone was enjoying. The money is good, the work wasn't too difficult. We were slow today so it was a dull day, but in the middle of the small talk with co-workers I realized a few things.

I need to create a recipe book for myself. I need to write down all my favorite recipes my mother makes before I move out, and keep them in a small book or something. I have a list of things to write down and place together, I just have to do it. Hopefully sometime this week I will find the time to do just that.

Before I filled up on food from work and ate a portion of my Cookies and Cream Easter bunny my mother bought for me (therefore I feel like a fat pig right now, and very lethargic) I was sad I didn't get to make anything for anyone this Easter. I am usually making Oreo Dirt Dessert or helping my mom make something for the family but this year I didn't have the opportunity to do that.

Cathy, our new manager at work was talking about cheesecake brownies. She said she has experimented over the yeras and simply put together two of her favorite recipes into one. I love cheesecake and I love brownies, so hopefully I will get to try this awesome dessert she says she may bring in for everyone before I leave. It sounds really good, and makes me half tempted to search for a recipe related to it to try and make it.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Next Step

Well, I came home from work this evening and sat down to watch some Netflix. It is an addiction, I swear! Maybe it was fate, but I have no idea, my laptop decides it is going to restart. Instead of going right back into Netflix when it rebooted, I started searching the net for job openings. After over two hours I applied for three, and plan on applying for more, but we shall see how that goes. Right now I keep hoping to get a phone call for an interview (especially from two of the places I applied for) and then the journey comes to scheduling an interview, or multiple interviews...I keep wondering how this is all going to work out between my current schedule but something will work always does. I am also currently making a list of to-dos yet again, and also lists of random things in general at the current time. They are lists of things I should not be worrying about right now, but I am. Due to nerves, excitement and wonder I am making lists for lists, if that makes any sense. Right now I would love to jump one month into the future, because in one month (hard to believe) I will be finished with school, and soon taking a vacation week from work and going to Chicago with Jay. It will be a new experience, considering I have never been West of Kentucky in my life. I am always traveling south or east it seems. I am looking forward to the time away from Ohio and spending the time with Jay and meeting up with a few of his friends. Murphy is in for a life change as well, and actually has been for the past four or five months. Due to the distance between Jay and I the traveling I have been doing has more than doubled, even tripled since before we started dating. I use to be home nearly every night by eleven (usually because of work) but now I have been gone for at least two or three nights at a time, and once even nearly a week. He has been more clingy and lovey in the past few months, but also his temper has come out of him. I swear, I came home from a six day stay at Jay's, was home for about two hours, and once I put my uniform on to go to work Murphy wanted some loving. I petted him and started to head downt he stairs and the cat literally threw a fit! He meowed his disappointment and leaped for attack! I still have a slight scar to prove it. I am hoping here soon he can be with me again every night, or nearly every night. I miss him when I am away from home, more than anyone may be able to imagine. I think Jay thinks he is just a cat, but Murphy and I are pretty much each other's best friend. Every time I have ever needed someone to be there for me he has. He was with me when my grandparents died, when I had mono, when I graduated high school, when I started college, when I broke up with Jeremy after a 7 year relationship and was there to snuggle with me during my nights I cried, and will be here for me when I graduate college and take that next step in life. I hate to uproot him from the home he has always known, but I am sure he will adjust, and most likely will adjust much faster than I will. It is all going to be a new experience all in itself, and the nerves and the excitement is overwhelming. I pray to God every night he can get me through this and keep my sanity.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Right Now...

Just a quick little post before I head on to bed. It is late, I just made a list of daily to-dos to help reduce the big picture that has been causing me to freak out the past few days. I made it much more simpler. Instead of hourly I did just two or three tasks to complete, which made me feel much better about what I have to do for the next 22 days! Right now I am thinking about how lucky I am. Each day I keep thinking about how I am truely blessed to have such a great guy that makes me laugh and smile. He keeps me on my toes, that is for sure! Jay constantly has something on his mind, something brewing in that noggin of his. There seems to be some idea or some type of contemplation that always sticks to his brain, and he in turn makes me think and ponder, too, about things I never thought I would ponder over. I always look forward to our conversations on the phone, because at least once a night I will laugh at a joke or something corney he says. I have never been treated so decent in my life. He is a true gentleman, and like he said, "Chivelry is not dead!" He has proved that one to me by far! The little things he does to make me feel special seriously make me smile from ear to ear. I never dreamed I would ever be this happy, and each day I find myself wondering why I am so lucky and so blessed to have the best boyfriend a girl could ask for!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

So Much to Do

I always make lists of things to do, plus I break down my weeks into hours of "operation". I make myself an hourly schedule for the day and try to follow it. Usually I end up over estimating how long something will take. Right now I am trying to get myself to calm down over all the thing that I need to do in the next 23 days, and sadly most of what I have to do is due by the 25th. Too much to do, and so little time! I need to research some more for seminar, plus write about 10 more pages to reach my 25. I also have to research another topic for my Religion class and present on it. For my theatre class, there is so much to do! Between finishing the script, drawing the costumes, planning the music and lighting, drawing out the stage, drawing the setting how I picture it and make a poster for the advertisment of my play I have a lot to do. With my American literature class I have a paper due but it will not be too bad thankfully. I can have that done in a few hours. It is crunch time and I am not enjoying it what-so-ever. I would much rather be snuggling with Murphy, knitting or quilting or spending my free time with Jay. I have to look at the bright side of things that I am nearly done with school, that in the next few weeks I can spend my free time doing those things, plus looking for a job, which will be the most difficult part of all I do believe. Hopefully I can keep my sanity, and be able to stay calm. Wish me luck!